3 Alarm Apartment Fire - 2211 W Northern Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85021
Working 3 Alarm apartment fire (3 story) reported at 2211 West Northern Ave in Phoenix, Arizona.
Units responding, staged or on scene include: E7+ E10+ E17+ E18+ E20+ E30+ E910+ E918+ E930+ E960+ R18 R30 C959 PI3 RM50 SQ8+ SQ159 L20 L26 L33 BC1 BC3 BC4 BC8 BC151 FI10 FI27 CANT CRV CRVA CRVB CRVC CRVD PHXP06 SRP000 SWG000 U10 U50.
[Update] Third alarm fire at a three-story apartment complex under construction with multiple residential exposures, according to the Phoenix Fire Department.
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