Poco Fire Burning Northeast of Young, AZ
Incident Type: Wildfire - "Poco Fire" on Tonto National Forest
Cause: Under Investigation
Date of Origin: Thursday, June 14, 2012 at around 2:33 p.m. MST.
Location: 6 miles northeast of Young, Arizona
Total Personnel: N/A
Aircraft: 3 SEATs (Single Engine Air Tankers), DC-10 (VLAT = Very Large Air Tanker)
Resources committed: 3 Hot Shot crews, 2 Type Crews, 7 engines, 1 Dozer
Size: 1,000 acres
Fuels Involved: Ponderosa pine, shrub and grass understory
Fire Behavior: long range spotting
Growth Potential: High
Concern: 1 500 kV line (SRP), 1 500 kV line (APS)
Source: www.inciweb.org
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